Mount Lewis Infants School

High Aims - We Are The Future

Telephone02 9790 4650

Bell times

Bell times

Every day matters for your child’s learning. You must contact the school if your child is absent, late or has to leave early. If you have trouble getting your child to school, please contact us - we're here to help.

The Department of Education has more details and resources to help with student attendance.

School Timetable

School begins at 9:00am and finishes at 2:45pm.

There is a teacher on playground duty from 8:30am when the school gates open and supervision begins. 

From 8:30 to 9:00am, Early Stage 1 students are supervised in the covered playground area closest to the Noble Avenue entrance. Stage 1 students are supervised in the Big Playground closest to the Lowry Street Entrance.

Bell Times

8:55am Music plays as a warning for students to move to lining up areas
9:00am School Bell rings for the start of the school day
11:00-11:20am First half lunch - eating time
11:20-11:40am Second half lunch - play time
1:10-1:30pm Recess - eating and playing
2:45pm Home time