Mount Lewis Infants School

Empowering Students

Telephone02 9790 4650

Parents and Carers

Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

Meetings: Once per month. Please see the School Bytes calendar for dates and times.


The P&C (Parents and Citizens Association) is all about people and communities. It's for people like you – parents, caregivers, and community-minded individuals who want to support their local school. The P&C works closely with the school to build a stronger community, benefiting all students.


What does the P&C do?

The P&C has several important roles:


  • Attend meetings: P&C meetings are held once a month.
  • Participate in discussions: share your thoughts on school policies, positive behaviours, student uniforms, school routines, and budgets.
  • Advise the principal: provide advice and recommendations on student issues and school operations.
  • Support the school: assist with financial or other resources for the benefit of the students.
  • Encourage community participation: join committees or groups that help improve the school for everyone.

How to join the P&C

To join the Mount Lewis Infants School P&C, contact the school office today!

Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children that you value their education and care about their school. Here are some reasons to join:

  • Show you care: demonstrate that you value your child’s education.
  • Be involved: show interest in what your child does at school.
  • Support the community: help students and the school community.

The P&C and the school have achieved a lot by working together towards common goals. To keep this going, we need people from all backgrounds with a range of talents. Everyone has ideas and viewpoints, and yours will be heard.